Hi Everyone,
We all know the famous say, “Don’t judge a book, by its cover.” However, when picking out our next book, the cover is most likely what is going to get our attention. A title can be quirky and intriguing, while the synopsis teases us and forces us to read more. But a cover is the chance to represent the story, for those offering it a passing glance. For instance, I picked up Shadow of the Wind because the cover intrigued me, yet it was the book’s blurb that drew me. (It is still one of my all-time favorites!)
Have you ever bought a book based solely on the cover? (Below is my answer.)
I spotted this cover across the bookstore, back in my hometown. It fascinated me so much that I automatically added it to my purchase stack. Had it not been for this cover, I would not have discovered this pleasant read. The author provides a whimsical storyline that provides a great pick-me up. The artwork did an excellent job capturing the mystical vibes.