Welcome… Author, Stacy Juba!!!

Good Morning Everyone,

I would like for you all to help me welcome author Stacy Juba. She is a very talented author of several different genres that I have had the pleasure of reading. To read my reviews click on the title of the book: Face-Off, Twenty-Five Years Ago Today, Sink or Swim, Dark Before Dawn, Teddy Bear Town Bundle.

I hope you all enjoy!

1. Hi Stacy, thanks for hanging out on the blog today. Could you please tell the followers here a little bit about yourself?

Thanks for hosting me! I’m a wife, mom, and former journalist for a daily newspaper. I have always loved to read books and write stories, and was writing my own “mystery series” in fifth grade. I have published books for adults, teenagers and children, and the one theme all the stories have in common is that the characters are at a crossroads in their lives. They are at a fork in the road where they can either stay on the safe and predictable path, which hasn’t been serving them too well, or take a new and riskier path toward a more fulfilling future. On my blog from time to time, the “reporter” in me likes to highlight resources that can help my readers to build their own characters, featuring topics such as meditation, parenting and self improvement. I have written a lot of health articles over the years for various publications, as health and wellness are personal interests of mine.

2. I read all sorts of genres, depending on my mood or what is on The List. What is it like for you, as a writer, to write various tales directed at different audiences?

I basically come up with book ideas based on the mood I’m in at the time. My upcoming novel, Fooling Around With Cinderella, is a light and sparkly romantic comedy/sweet romance. I just felt like writing something light and fun, and I see myself going more in that direction down the line. For Twenty-Five Years Ago Today, I wanted to write something more introspective with a “Wow” ending. I felt like surprising readers. With my reality TV mystery Sink or Swim, I wanted to write an entertaining and suspenseful beach read that was lighter than Twenty-Five Years Ago Today. The adult books come more naturally to me than the books for younger readers, but the teen and children’s books are a nice change of pace once in awhile. Writing about different characters and for different audiences keeps me from being bored. And if I’m having fun writing the story, I hope readers will have fun reading it.

3. What was the first children’s book you remember re-reading as a child?

I remember reading a Bobbsey Twins book called The Dune Buggy Mystery and thinking that I had to reread it as soon as I finished. Then I realized it was a series. I read all the series books I could find, such as The Bobbsey Twins, Happy Hollisters, Dana Girls, Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Judy Bolton, and Trixie Belden books as I could keep revisiting the same characters again and again. I also had a fondness for Beverly Cleary’s Ramona books and read those more than once.

4. Who are on your top list of must-read mystery authors?

I always look for new books by Lisa Gardner, Iris Johansen and Heather Graham. They fall more along the lines of romantic suspense. I also like Joann Fluke’s Hannah Swenson mysteries as they are light and quick reads (and they inspire me to bake!) and I’ve read most of Denise Swanson’s Scumble River Mysteries and Donna Andrews’ Meg Langslow series .

5. What can readers expect to see from you in the future?

They can look for my romantic comedy/sweet romance novel Fooling Around With Cinderella in 2014, and I plan to write spinoff stories featuring minor characters from the book. I also plan to work on my Face-Off sequel, Offsides, which I wrote when I was a teenager and need to rewrite, as well as finish a mystery novel that was a recipient of the William F. Deeck Malice Domestic Grant which was presented at the Agatha Awards. I have a lot of ideas to keep me busy!

Bonus Questions:

1. Top Teenage Detective?

a. Nancy Drew

b. The Hardy Boys

c. Trizie Belden

d. Other

2. If you could have any one/two of the sixth senses, which would it be?

Website: http://stacyjuba.com/blog/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Stacy-Juba/100155471301

Twitter: https://twitter.com/stacyjuba

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2988212.Stacy_Juba

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/stacyjuba/

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Stacy-Juba/e/B002OXLSDE/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1

Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/c/stacy-juba

Giveaway Time:
For your chance to win a copy of Sink or Swim or Dark Before Dawn, just leave a comment below between now and November 26, 2013 @ 11:00pm EST. Each comment will count as one entry, if you decide to answer the bonus questions, any correct answers will count as 2 entries. Winner will be selected using Random.org and announced on November 27, 2013. Good luck everyone!

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3 Responses to Welcome… Author, Stacy Juba!!!

  1. Claire says:

    I would love to win!!

  2. danazalesky says:

    Dark Before Dawn sounds interesting, and who would not want to win a free book! Fooling Around with Cinderella sounds like a promising title… I know I love a good romantic comedy!

    Bonus Questions:

    1. Nancy Drew
    2. Telekinesis

  3. Pingback: Happy Day-After Thanksgiving | Ariesgrl Book Reviews

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