Sasee July 2016 Review

Lies and Other Acts of Love

By Kristy Woodson Harvey


Lovey is entering a new phase, having raised five very different women with her soulmate; she is now faced with the possibility of life without him. Her once grandiose life has now become a whirlwind of nurses, caregiving and latent fear. Lovey’s darling granddaughter was once the pride and joy of the family, always doing what she was supposed to do. However last year, just days before her idyllic wedding, she called it off and married a traveling musician. Now, as everyone’s routine is getting back to normal, Annabelle’s life is thrown upside down. As she tries to piece together the truth, she learns that her family has been hiding their own secrets. Will Lovey and Annabelle be able to sort out their lives and keep the peace or will their family be forever dissolved?

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My Sister’s Books Review #78


By: Ad Hudler


Linc Menner had grown frustrated with his landscaping business, when his wife, Jo, was offered her dream job. Happy to have a fresh start and support his wife, Linc packed up the house and their daughter, Violet, to move across the country. Now, in unfamiliar territory, Linc finds himself in the position of househusband. Slowly but surely he learns the new, necessary duties of making his house a loving home, while raising his precocious three-year-old. As Jo becomes more and more involved in her work, Linc sees her less often and as the responsibilities take over, Linc begins to lose himself. Will their marriage be at risk or is Linc the perfect HouseHusband?

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My Sister’s Books Review #77

Home is Where My People Are

By: Sophie Hudson


The old saying states that the American Dream is a two story house with a nice, flat yard and a white picket fence. But what truly makes a house a home? Is it the building or is it the people? Do you have different homes throughout life, or is it just one single place that your soul belongs? These are just a few of the things that Sophie Hudson explores in her latest memoir Home is Where My People Are.

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My Sister’s Books Review #76

Dear Carolina

By: Kristy Woodson Harvey


Khaki Mason is an interior designer, who loves her husband and her son, but she desires to expand her family. Dealing with a newly diagnosed health issue, she sees numerous doctors to help her get pregnant. Jodi is her husband’s young cousin who has struggled with alcoholism. When Jodi finds out she is pregnant, Khaki does her best to help Jodi find her way as a new single mom. Despite how much Jodi loves her daughter Carolina, she knows Khaki would be a better mother and therefore she decides to ask Khaki to raise her baby. This is the story of these two Southern mothers, told through their letters to baby Carolina.

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My Sister’s Books Review #75

Flash and Fancy An Otter Adventure on the Waccamaw River

By: Tom Doran and Christine Thomas Doran

Illustrated by: Nancy Van Buren

Flash and Fancy are two lovely otters living on Sandy Island. Even though they knew of each other, their friendship is solidified when Fancy’s life is in danger. Flash comes to her rescue and the two of them explore the mighty Waccamaw River together.

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My Sister’s Books Review #74

How to Be a Baby by Me The Big Sister

By: Sally Lloyd-Jones and Sue Heap

The big sister is old enough to do many things and in this book, she points out all the things a baby just cannot do. Even as the baby ages, he or she will still be “little” so the entire family will still be by their side. And the big sister is looking forward to being friends and sharing memories with the baby.

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My Sister’s Books Review #73

Dear Baby Letters From your Big Brother

By: Sarah Sullivan

Illustrated by: Paul Meisel

Mike’s Mom is expecting a baby, soon. As a way to prepare for his new role as a big brother, his parents ask him to write a letter to the baby. Over the course of a year, Mike writes letters to his new little sister.

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My Sister’s Books Review #72

Santa’s Favorite Story

By: Hisako Aoki

Illustrated by: Ivan Gantschev

Recommneded for ages: Pre-K


Santa grew tired during a walk in the woods and stopped to take a nap. The woodland creatures saw him and thought Christmas was arriving early. As word spread through the forest, they excitedly gathered around sleeping Santa, waiting for him to wake up. When he did, he told them the story of the birth of Christ on the very first Christmas. After the story, the animals accompany Santa to the North Pole to help him get ready for Christmas. Santa teaches everyone about the best present of all.

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My Sister’s Books Review #71

Great Joy

By: Kate DiCamillo

Illustrated by: Bagram Ibatoulline

Recommended for ages: K-2nd


Frances is an angel in the church’s Christmas play with a very important line to say. The days leading up to the play, she sees an older man with a monkey on the street corner. When Frances soon discovers that they are homeless, she tries to get her Mom to invite them to dinner. However, her Mom declines to allow strangers to enter her home, which leads Frances to invite him to her church play.

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Sasee Review

A Lowcountry Wedding
(Lowcountry Summer #4)By: Mary Alice Monroe


A few seasons have passed and Harper has settled in as the new owner of Sea Breeze. However, with Carson due to return to the family home, her anxieties are high. Meanwhile, Dora is figuring out who she is, while dealing with the stress of being a single mother. Everyone is looking forward to reuniting with the wandering middle sister, especially since the family has two weddings to plan.  Unfortunately, when a stranger with a secret is thrown into the mix, chaos and emotions erupt. Will Mamaw be able to comfort and reconnect her Summer Girls, or will their bond be forever broken?

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