Banned Books Week, Day 3

Hi Everyone,

Today, let’s dive into books that are on my wish list to read vs. some of my favorites. How many of these have you read?

1. The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison. Somehow, and I honestly have no idea how, I have not read this book yet. It has been on my wish list for years. The reason it keeps getting banned: sexual scenes and language. This book made it to the top 10 of banned books last year!

2. Their Eyes were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston. I loooooooove this book. I haven’t read it in years. I remember when the movie came out on tv, and I had to watch it. As I can recall, a well done adaptation. This book caused a stir in Virginia in 1997. I am pretty sure it was on a list a teacher gave me to read over the summer. Books her college students were reading. Banned for sexual scenes and language. (Catching a trend?)

3. The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood. I have wanted to read this one for years. I got excited when the long-awaited sequel came out, and yet, I still haven’t read it. I know there is a series on Hulu (or Netflix) and the actress who played Rory Gilmore was in it, but I refuse to watch it until I see it. This book has been banned so many times, they made an unburnable version and had the author, herself, try to light it on fire. Banned for political and “health” reasons, this book consistently ranks in the top 10.

4. Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult. Jodi Picoult takes a difficult topic and makes incredible books. All of her books are controversial and they are fabulous. This book is currently being banned, over the rape scene. (One of her other books, My Sister’s Keeper is one of my all time favorites and it also has a history of being banned for homosexuality, language, and religious beliefs.)

5. The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. There are no words for how much I loved this book. At the time, the uniqueness of the murder mystery the suspense, combining knowledge and intrigue. I have read every book, except the last one in the series. I truly feel like a new subgenre was created after this book. Why is it banned? Blasphemy, many people felt it was an attack on Christianity.

What Banned Books are on your reading list this week?

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