By: Dolen Perkins-Valdez
Tawawa House is a vacation resort located in the free territory of Ohio. Northern white families vacation here as well as Southern white men. However the Southern white men do not bring their wives and children, they bring their women slaves. Three of these women, Lizzie, Sweet and Reenie, have bonded over the several summers they have spent at Tawawa House. It is the newcomer, Mawu, that stirs talk of escaping into the free territories. As the women face new horrors, they relive their pasts and one tragic fire will change all of them forever.
Told mostly from the point of view of Lizzie, Wench gives a gripping inside look into a painful time. Perkins-Valdez shows the inner conflicts that some slaves faced, while dealing with the cruel demons of slavery. Readers will be caught up in all the emotions of pain and fear and even love. This is a powerful, emotional and heart-wrenching tale that everyone should read. However be prepared for an unsatisfying ending.
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