A Taste of Terror. By: Lindsey Beth Goddard. Format: Paperback. Read: November 2012.
The title of this book says it all, as this is a collection of five short stories. Each story is roughly ten pages long and varies from science-fiction to supernatural. Most of the stories rely on the fear of the unknown, while one story focuses on the fear of insects and critters.
Each story is not only a new setting and fear, but each new story is told through the eyes of a different type of narrator. Goddard demonstrates a wonderful ability changing writing styles to suit the narrator’s age. She also has a knack for writing detailed scenes that will turn readers’ stomachs and leave them cringing. Most of these stories have a science-fiction twist to a regular everyday fear, however each of the endings are there to make the readers’ imaginations wreak further havoc on their nerves. The first story “Hair of the Dog” is the weakest one, in the sense of plot development. Two of the five stories could have used a few more pages to develop the horror. “The Moonlight Swamp Monster” was by far the best story in this book, followed by “Product 9”. This book allows for readers to get to know Goddard’s writing style in a quick and easy read. Fans of books that develop an intangible fear of the unknown, will want to check out this book.
Though the book is marketed as a horror book, I didn’t necessarily feel scared while reading this book. I felt grossed out at the disgusting details that hooked me in, but what good terror book isn’t filled with those scents and sights that make your mouth curl and your stomach flip? There is a sulfur-like smell that is described in the swamp monster story that will forever be burned into my brain. As a teenager, I found the author Thomas Harris and own all of his novels now, yet I can’t read some of his books in one sitting. Anyways, this is a decent book that just starts off on a wrong foot. If you like gore, terror and horror, you will want to check out this author.
Note: The author provided me a copy of this book to review. To learn more about this author and her work, please visit her website.