Well… HELLO September!!!

Hi Everyone,

How are you? Sorry I have been quiet this past week and a half. The last week of August flew by and left my head spinning. However they were productive on the home front and one major boulder has been lifted off our shoulders. Thank goodness. However, the month of August was wretched for my family and it seems the large amount of stress that existed during that month, has now hit me like a ton of bricks. Either that or an end-of summer flu bug. Yuk! I logged onto the computer today and realized that my absence has caused my emails to back up tremendously. If you are waiting to hear back from me, please know that I am working on getting caught up on all emails today. My deepest apologies for the delay. I also have a review that I need to type up and will hopefully have that posted for you tonight.

I can’t tell you how relieved I was to say goodbye to August and welcome September with open arms. Also, which almost seems like perfect timing for my family, this month is Alzheimer’s Awareness month. Please be aware of the early warning signs and symptoms and please help spread the word, in hopes of a cure. If it runs in your family, take time to make a game plan with your family, just in case, before it is too late. On a lighter note… I am still working with the winners of the Big Giveaway, however, I will be posting the answers to all of the games tomorrow. Thank you all for your patience, understand and your support. You all are amazing. Thank you!

Here’s to a happy and peaceful autumn for us all.

What about you? Are you excited to welcome a change in seasons or do wish to live the last few weeks of summer to the fullest?


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2 Responses to Well… HELLO September!!!

  1. We are having the bi-polar season change right now. Friday 90* with a heat index of over 100*. Saturday and Sunday it was overcast and only 65*. Ah Minnesota, she is a fickle place.

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